Epic Dolby Atmos Demo Features F-35 Squadron Takeoff and Flyover

The latest episode of the Surround Speaker Check app’s Spatial Lab video blog features it’s most epic Dolby Atmos demo track yet - a squadron of F-35 fighter jets taking off and flying directly overhead!
Source: Surround Speaker Check for iOS and Apple TV 4K
This episode features two separate recording sessions. The first recording takes place close to the studio here with the goal of capturing the overall sound of F-35 jets at a moderate distance. For the second session, a surround mic array was assembled in a field near the airport directly under the flight path, where my goal was to try and record the jets up close and flying overhead.
The F-35 multichannel tracks are meticulously crafted so the jet flyovers will translate accurately to just about any Dolby Atmos-enabled sound system
Distant Thunder
Although many folks who live near airports or air bases may be familiar with the sound of distant aircraft taking off or flying by, I nevertheless wanted to get a reference recording so we could directly compare the sound of the F-35s both at a distance and up close and in-your-face (or rather, over your head!). For this particular recording, I set up a small mic array on a hilltop at the edge of a golf course located approximately four miles from the airport. Being so far away the jets do look a bit small on camera, however, the distant roar of the F-35 is unmistakable and their powerful jet engines soon fill the sky with the sound of distant manmade thunder.
Recording F-35s in Atmos
For recording the jets passing by, I studied local maps and flight paths to come up with the optimal recording location. The idea was to create a truly epic Dolby Atmos demo for experiencing spatial audio content on home theater systems and playback devices, so I wanted to find a spot directly under the jets’ flight path. I lucked out and found a wide open field (freshly-hayed for my convenience) just over a mile out from the Vermont Air National Guard air base where I could set up my recording rig. Multiple microphones were methodically arranged to accurately capture the launch event of multiple jets in full surround sound audio, which would later be optimized in production for Dolby Atmos playback.

Additionally, I set up two cameras; one capturing the jets approaching my position, and a second facing away from the field to capture the jets after they flew overhead. I do this so I can add a little picture-in-picture frame on the screen to give viewers a look at what is happening in the rear speakers; a rear-view mirror for the home theater, if-you-will.

The preeminent demo for Atmos height speakers
Acknowledging the reality that actual ceiling-mounted height speakers are not always an available option for some listeners, the raw F-35 multichannel audio tracks are meticulously crafted so as the jet flyovers will translate accurately to just about any Dolby Atmos capable sound system, ranging from 7.1.4 or higher, down to 5.1 speaker systems and soundbars. However, those with actual height-enabled systems will especially appreciate the localization of multiple fighter jets flying overhead!
Although I found taking video of jets moving through the sky at 400 mph a bit of a challenge, I believe the audio recordings turned out fantastic, and accurately recreate the sounds of the jets exactly as I heard them live.
Episode 7 was uploaded to the Spatial Lab in early June, and is available to subscribers of the Spatial Test Suite in the Surround Speaker Check app for iOS and tvOS. Download the app today and enjoy over 90 minutes worth of Dolby Atmos test and demo tracks, with new Spatial Lab content added every month!
Surround Speaker Check is available today in the iOS and tvOS App Stores.
(In the tvOS App Store, enter “Surround Speaker Check” in the search bar.)